FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

CONTACT: Anya Silverman-Stoloff | [email protected] 

Massive New Survey Finds 67% of Parents Are Disappointed by Target’s Decision to Remove or Relocate Pride Merchandise from Stores in Response to Anti-LGBTQ+ Threats

ParentsTogether Survey Finds 84% of Families Overwhelmingly Support LGBTQ+ Rights, Want Companies to Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion Even If There is A Vocal Minority Opposing It

More Than Half of Parents Say Target Should Have Permanently Banned Agitators from Stores; Similar Numbers Have or Want to Buy Pride Merchandise.

According to a new survey of more than 10,000 parents from across the United States, the overwhelming majority of respondents (67%) said that they were disappointed by Target’s decision to remove or relocate Pride merchandise from stores in response to homophobic and transphobic threats. 90% of parents surveyed said they shopped at Target at least once in the last month.

The survey, conducted by ParentsTogether, found more than half (57%) of parents said the decision made them less likely to want to shop at the Target, and that more than three quarters of respondents said they would have preferred to see Target take other actions like adding additional security in stores (23%) or permanently banned anti-LGBTQ+ aggressors from their stores (53%), over removing Pride merchandise from stores.


ParentsTogether also found that: 

  • 84% of parents agree with the statement that “companies should celebrate inclusivity and diversity, even if it upsets a small group of customers”
  • 63% of parents say they already have or would like to buy Pride merchandise in the future
  • Nearly two thirds of respondents said that they had (16%) or planned to (17%) purchase Pride merchandise from either Target or another vendor (28%).
  • Of the more than 10,000 parents surveyed, less than one quarter (24%) had a child that identified as LGBTQ+

“Let’s be clear: the overwhelming majority of Americans, and the overwhelming majority of parents across the United States support LGBTQ+ rights and want the companies that they patronize to support the LGBTQ+ community as well,” explained ParentsTogether Executive Director Ailen Arreaza. “As parents, we try to teach our children that bullies don’t win. So when we see companies giving into bullies’ demands, it sets the wrong example. With the LGBTQ+ community under attack across the US, now, more than ever, parents want companies to stand up for the values they believe in.”

Here’s what some parents who took the survey had to say:

I support inclusion and diversity and buy products that support those values. If people hide from hate we will never change and history will continue to repeat itself.” Bonita B., Maryland

“Everyone should be celebrated. It’s hurtful that people feel that way about this. If you don’t like it, pass by and don’t buy it. There are plenty of things that don’t represent my values, like guns, but I don’t destroy the merchandise because of it or throw a fit. I just pass by and don’t purchase it, like an adult.” – Merlynn

“It’s just a shame that it’s the ADULTS who are offended by all this. Kids see love, cute items, and rainbows and it’s the adults who are screaming and complaining. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Simple as that. Let others enjoy it even if you don’t.” -Anonymous 

“I feel companies need to stand up to bullies. So much hate in people, it makes me sad. Everyone needs more acceptance. It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. I bless all pride and wish for peace and let people live their own lives without discrimination.” – Anonymous

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