What’s your stance on sleepovers? A) Sure! I’ll let them sleep over at a friend’s house with the supervision of a trusted adult. B) Only at my house, where I can keep an eye on them. C) Never! They should be using their evenings to study and do their chores. None Your kid brings home
1. What is Ada Lovelace famous for? Being the first woman to work for NASA Being the first computer programmer in history Being a pioneer of girls’ education in England None 2. After the 19th Amendment became part of the Constitution, were all women in the U.S. able to vote? Yes, as long as they
1. Who was the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad? Bessie Coleman Harriet Tubman Francis Harper None 2. What was the Emancipation Proclamation? A new law saying that any new states added to the union would be free states, without slaves. A document declaring that the South was seceding from the U.S. President Lincoln’s
Welcome to your 2020 Back To School Decision Quiz The COVID-19 community spread rate in my area is low. True False Not sure None I have access to Covid-19 testing in my area, and results are made available quickly. (Note that a 5-day turnaround for test results will mean a child missing a week of
Welcome to your COVID Quiz: How much do you really know about the virus? Most coronavirus infections have what kind of symptoms? Mild Moderate Severe Asymptomatic (they show no symptoms) None What are the symptoms of COVID-19? Fever Cough Sore throat All of the above None The virus mostly impacts: The elderly Those with compromised