Better World

#ChalkTheVote with your kids and inspire voters in your community

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#ChalkTheVote is ParentsTogether’s fun and kid-friendly way for the whole family (and the whole neighborhood!) to get involved with the election. Plus, kids who get excited about voting are more likely to grow up to be adults who vote!

Kicking off on Sunday, October 18th, parents and kids across the country will fill their community’s streets with chalk art designed to inspire folks to get out and vote.

Want to participate? Here’s how to get involved:

  • Between October 18th and Election Day on November 3rd, create chalk art in your community that encourages your neighbors to vote.
  • Take photos of your artwork and use the hashtags #ChalkTheVote and #FamilyVote when you post your pics on social media. 
  • Tag @parentstogether on Instagram or @parentstogetherorg on Facebook for a chance to be featured on our page!

Where should you #ChalkTheVote?

We encourage you to consider chalking in high-traffic areas, such as:

  • In front of your home (on the sidewalk or driveway)
  • Playgrounds
  • Bus stops
  • Commercial areas
  • Around (not on) mailboxes
  • Near voting sites (note that most laws require you be 100 feet away)
  • DO NOT chalk on private property without permission

Looking for inspiration for your chalk art?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

“Vote Early” Mosaic

ParentsTogether “Vote Early” chalk art

Step 1:  Write “Vote Early” in big block letters, but don’t color it in.

Step 2: Use tape (painters tape is great, but other tape works too) to create lines and shapes inside of each letter.

Step 3: Color in the shapes inside of the letters with different colors of chalk. Make sure to stay inside the outlines of the letters!

Step 4: Remove all of the tape, and admire your work of art!

Voting Plan Hopscotch

ParentsTogether Voting Plan Hopscotch

Follow our example above to help your neighbors hop their way to a voting plan! To play the game, start on “How will you vote?” and hop to the box in each row that makes the most sense for you. Some ideas to include in your hopscotch game are:

  • How will you vote? [By mail] [in person early] [on Nov 3]
  • Childcare? [Getting sitter] [Taking kids] [No need]
  • Transportation? [Car/Bus] [Walking] [Using the mail]
  • How will you celebrate? [Dancing!] [Long nap] [Grateful sobbing]

Note that not every state allows early voting in person or has widespread options to vote by mail, so check for what’s available in your state if you aren’t sure.

Voting Calendar

ParentsTogether Voting Calendar chalk art

Draw a big calendar that highlights important deadlines or key dates throughout election season, such as the last day to register, the last day to mail in your ballot, or the date that early voting starts. Check out to get the local info you need.

This Family Votes!

ParentsTogether voting plan chalk art

Share your family’s voting plan by drawing and filling in the following sentence: “My family is voting [by mail/in person/by ballot drop-off] on [date] at [location].” Or, simply shout out a reminder by writing, “This family already voted. Have you?” Have your child add stars, doodles, and even a stick-figure drawing of your family!

Pick a slogan!

ParentsTogether voting slogan chalk art

Choose from the following inspirational voting messages and put your own creative spin on it!

  • “Kids win when parents vote.”
  • #FamilyVote
  • #ChalkTheVote
  • “Voting is our superpower!”
  • “Raising future voters”

I need my grown-ups to vote because…

ParentsTogether fill-in-the-blank chalk art

Raise up kids’ voices! Have your child respond to the prompt “I need grown-ups to vote because…” Help them think about all the great things the grown-ups in their lives can help make happen by voting, like getting more money for their schools, protecting the environment, keeping their neighborhood safe, or making sure everyone has equal rights. Then have them write out or illustrate their answer—or have them stand or sit by the prompt and answer in a short video!

We can’t wait to see the awesome, inspiring art you and your kids create, so be sure to tag us and use #ChalkTheVote and #FamilyVote on social. Check back here or follow us on Instagram @parentstogether and on Facebook @ParentsTogetherOrg to see if your post is featured!

Mckenna Saady is a staff writer and digital content lead for ParentsTogether. Before working for nonprofits such as the Human Rights Campaign and United Way, Mckenna spent nearly a decade as a child care provider and Pre-K teacher. Originally from Richmond, VA, she now lives in Philadelphia and writes poetry, fiction, and children’s literature in her spare time.