Family, Kids & Relationships

Quiz: How well do you know current slang?

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Kids today and their slang terms…. These days, having a conversation with your tween or teen can be rougher than a Duolingo Hard Mode lesson.

Don’t worry, though — we’ve got you covered! Our quick quiz on the current Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang can help you decipher some of the latest terms and phrases that are most popular right now. (You’re cooler than you think, Mom/Dad…no cap!)

Test yourself on the current slang parents need to know

Tween/Teen Slang Quiz
1. Who might your child refer to as a rizzler?

Answer: B) You may have heard that “rizz” is short for charisma these days, so a rizzler is a flirt who’s super smooth -- unless it’s being used sarcastically, in which case it means the opposite...

2. When your kid exclaims something is “cap”, what are they referring to?

Answer: C) "No cap" means "no lie" or "for real." "Cap" is another word for lie, so "no cap" emphasizes when someone is being truthful. If someone is "capping," they are lying. 

3. What does “NPC” stand for?
Answer: A) An NPC is a person who doesn’t seem to think for themselves or do anything particularly interesting, like a non-player character in a video game who’s just kinda…there. They have the opposite of main character energy, which we wouldn’t know anything about because parents don’t have any energy of any kind.
4. What should you do if your kid tells you to touch grass?
Answer: B) If you’re told to touch grass, it means you’ve been online too much and it might be time to put your phone down and get outside.
5. If your kid says, “Let me be out of pocket real quick,” they’re about to:

Answer: C) If you hear this phrase, brace yourself — it’s used by the youths to preface something that might sound blunt or rude, or be controversial. For example, your kid might say, “Let me be out of pocket real quick,” right before telling you that the dinner you slaved over did NOT hit the spot.

6. So what the heck does “sigma” mean, anyway?

Answer: B) What the sigma? If you’re familiar with the Greek alphabet, you may know that sigma is the 18th letter, but for the current generation’s purposes, it’s a reference to a “cool dude” — or a guy who is a popular, successful, but highly independent and self-reliant person.

7. By now you’ve probably heard of “brat summer,” but do you know what it means?
Answer: B)  “Brat summer” is all about speaking up for yourself, feeling empowered to make choices that make you happy, and letting go of people-pleasing! So live your best life, and soak up the rest of this “brat summer” while you can!

Want the lowdown on even more Gen Z/Gen Alpha-speak? Check out our guide to the teen and tween slang that all parents need to know.

Dhalya Wagner is a digital producer and staff writer at ParentsTogether. She lives in New York with her husband and two daughters, and loves reading mysteries, taking beach vacations, and cooking a good meal for her family.