Simple Parenting

A Thoughtful, Fun New Year’s Game to Try with Kids

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One of my family’s favorite New Year’s Eve traditions is to run around the block with our suitcases at midnight. It might confuse the neighbors, but it’s supposed to bring you good travel luck in the new year.
At ParentsTogether, we love helping families connect and build new traditions. This New Year’s Eve, gather the family together and ask these questions. It’s a great way to bond as a family, reminisce about 2017, and get excited for what’s to come in 2018. The answers may surprise you!

Happy New Year, from our ParentsTogether family to yours!

Five Questions About 2017


1. What was your best day of 2017?

2. What’s something you learned to do this year?

3. If you could pick a song to describe 2017, which would it be?

4. What do you think you’ll remember about 2017 ten years from now?

5. Who are the new people who came into your life in 2017? What is special about them?

Five Questions About 2018

1. What do you think might be different about your life next year?

2. What’s something you want to learn to do in 2018?

3. What do you think your Halloween costume will be in 2018?

4. What do you hope will be invented in 2018?

5. What are some new ways that you can be helpful to your family and friends next year?

Ailen is the Managing Editor at ParentsTogether. She lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and two spirited boys.