For some reason, my kids absolutely LOVE this one. You will, too, if you plan ahead and lay some newspaper or old towels down on the floor first.
Today’s Magic Moment
Name it:
- In addition to beingbe super fun (and messy) – this activity is a great way to teach your kid about her body.
- Teach the names of lesser-known body parts (can you paint your calves? Knuckles? Sternum?).
- You can even use it to teach the proper names of her “private” or middle parts, language child safety experts recommend teaching from a young age.
Want more?
- Bring your paint into the bathtub and take turns writing numbers and letters on the wall of your bath or shower stall.
- Play tic-tac-toe on the wall.
- Use the paint to augment marine animal make-believe (e.g. “Now you’re a baby blue whale!”) Tell a simple story about your child, and have her act it out as you go.