Your voice can make a difference when it comes to encouraging school leaders to enforce universal masking. Your story is the most powerful thing you can communicate. We encourage you to advocate for universal masking with respect for decision-makers, and also with certainty and conviction that masks keep kids safe and schools open. Below is sample language you can use to inspire your own communication in letters, at meetings, or elsewhere. Feel free to add your own personal experience to make the letter more compelling.
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is [your name] and I’m a parent of a student at [name of school]. Like all parents, I’m trying to do what’s best for my child in what is now our third school year dealing with COVID-19. And like all parents, I want my child – and all children – to be safe and healthy.
I know the best way we can keep kids safe is for all students and staff to wear masks at school.
The science is clear. The CDC guidance is clear. And as parents, we must be clear: Masks must be required in the school building.
I’m grateful that our children are able to attend in-person school this year. It’s good for their learning, their social health, and their mental health. But our number one job as parents is to keep our kids safe. We have to be realistic that we are still in the middle of a pandemic, and that COVID-19 is still spreading. It’s now affecting more children than it has at any other point in the pandemic.
That’s why, in order to keep our kids safe, our school staff and teachers safe, and all of their families safe, and to keep our schools open, we must have universal masking at school.
The more that all of us can act together to stop the spread of COVID-19, the more we can achieve that goal and the sooner we can get back to normal. I hope that our school leaders will follow the guidance of doctors and medical experts to require masks in schools for everyone.
[Your name]