Family, Kids & Relationships

Expecting dad asks Twitter for advice on supporting a partner through labor and delivery—responses go viral

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Dave Whiteside, a father-to-be from Ontario, Canada, asked Twitter for tips about how to support his wife through her upcoming labor and delivery, and the helpful responses came rolling in. The viral Tweet, posted on January 17, quickly drew thousands of likes and hundreds of comments from supportive Twitter users. 

Both first time parents, Whiteside and his wife aren’t sure what to expect—so after talking through what kinds of support she already thinks she’ll want during and after labor, they turned to social media to source some answers from people who have been through it before. 

One tip that lots of folks echoed in the comments was to manage all of the record-keeping that comes along with having a baby. Between remembering when she’s due for pain meds, being able to communicate with healthcare professionals about what she’s been experiencing, and keeping track of all of the new baby’s first bodily functions, there’s a lot to keep track of!

Speaking of takeout—lots of comments urged Whiteside to be prepared with plenty of snacks.

Some commenters emphasized the importance of advocating for his wife during the process.

A few folks had some wisdom to share regarding the best ways Whiteside can emotionally support his wife through labor and delivery—and well into the postpartum period. From the time the baby comes into the world through the “fourth trimester” (the months when you’re back at home recovering with your new family), there is still a lot of healing to do and adjustments to get used to.

And one dad had some good advice about what NOT to do…

Whiteside shared with Today what he felt was the most memorable advice from his Twitter thread: “One big takeaway is how important it is for partners to advocate for moms.” He and his wife are expecting their baby on March 27.

Mckenna Saady is a staff writer and digital content lead for ParentsTogether. Before working for nonprofits such as the Human Rights Campaign and United Way, Mckenna spent nearly a decade as a child care provider and Pre-K teacher. Originally from Richmond, VA, she now lives in Philadelphia and writes poetry, fiction, and children’s literature in her spare time.