Here are your free resources! Click the links below to visit articles for more info, to download printable versions of the calendars and more.
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31-Day Life Skills Family Challenge
Will your kids be prepared for basic things like paying bills, preparing meals, and keeping their living space clean when they grow up? Here are 31 activities to boost kids’ practical skills, so they’ll be more prepared to take care of themselves and maintain their own stable base from which to learn, grow, and thrive.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
Printable Life Skills checklist for teens
31-Day School Readiness Challenge
Whether your kids have already started a new school year or you’re gearing up for one — and whether they’re starting preschool or are about to finish up high school — kids need support as they go through this crucial time of growth, change, and learning. Try these 30 family-oriented activities to make the back-to-school transition smoother for your family!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
31-Day Family Growth Mindset Challenge
Kids and parents alike can benefit from developing a growth mindset—the belief that your basic traits, like how good you are at math or making friends, can be changed through your own efforts and by getting the support you need. Try these fun activities to help your whole family build resilience, patience, and the motivation to learn from mistakes and keep trying!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
31-Day Family Summer Bucket List Challenge
Whether you’re looking forward to summertime fun with your kids or secretly dreading it (how to keep kids occupied for that many weeks in a row?!), you’ll love this summer bucket list of ideas. You definitely don’t need to go on a fancy vacation to have an unforgettable summer!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
BONUS: printable checklist
30-Day Family Digital Detox Challenge
Have you noticed that your kids—or you, or your partner—are increasingly glued to their screens? Whether you’re worried about the constant distractions, lack of quality family time, digital addiction, or negative mental health effects of the media they’re consuming (or all of the above), it may be time for a digital detox. This fun challenge makes it easy!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
BONUS: printable Family Technology Contract
31-Day Family Mental Health Boost Challenge
Our mental health needs lots of attention and care—especially in these times. Learning how to tend to their emotional and mental wellbeing helps kids handle challenges, and gives parents more capacity to be the present, supportive caregivers they wish to be. The whole family can boost their mental wellbeing together with these fun, inspiring, and kid-friendly activities.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
30-Day Family Spring Bucket List Challenge
Kids can learn a lot through nature—plus being outside together boosts mental health and creates memorable bonding opportunities as a family. Try our 30-day spring bucket list challenge with your family—you’re bound to have a lot of fun, learn something alongside your kids, and be energized by the spring vibes.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
31-Day Family Money Challenge
Money is a tricky topic for many families, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid it! In fact, the more you can teach kids about finances, the more likely they’ll be to manage their money well in the future. These 31 fun activities can get your kids started on the path to financial literacy. You’re likely to learn something new in the process too!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
30-Day Family Friendship Challenge
Friendship can be surprisingly complicated, from making new friends to maintaining friendships to dealing with conflict among friends. Kids can use our support! Here are 30 creative ways to make friendship a priority this month that will have you stepping outside of your comfort zone, finding new ways to be friendly to others, and learning more about each other in the process.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
31 Day “Move your body” Family Challenge
Physical movement is key to physical AND mental health for the whole family. Get inspired to prioritize your health and try more fun activities together—try out these 31 ideas and you’re sure to find some that you’ll turn to in the future when you need a pick-me-up, plus you’ll teach kids that fun and exercise come in many forms.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
31 Days of Spreading Joy Family Challenge
Not only does spreading joy make others—well, happier!—but it also benefits the giver because it helps you feel more connected to your community and gives you a positive purpose. Try these simple and creative ideas to make kindness and joy the main focus of your family’s month!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
30-Day Family Gratitude Challenge
Making thankfulness part of our everyday lives has many benefits for families. But gratitude is an abstract concept, so how do you incorporate it into your family life in ways that kids will really take to heart? We have 30 creative ideas for making thankfulness more meaningful—and fun!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
More gratitude printables (to help you complete the challenge, or do as stand-alone activities!)
31-Day Family Fall Bucket List Challenge
Try this 31-day challenge for a whole month of seasonal activities that are fun and eye-opening (and just the right amount of spooky) for the whole family, and enjoy all the cozy, yummy, beautiful aspects of autumn!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable calendar (in color)
Printable calendar (in black and white)
Printable checklist (in color)
Printable checklist (in black and white)
30 Day Family Love Challenge
Looking for new ways to be intentional about bonding and connecting with your kids? Make showing your kids all the unique ways you love them a priority—every day.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Challenge for Raising Feminist Kids
Most parents would love to raise children who respect everyone equally, and who have equal opportunities regardless of their gender. These are feminist values that we need to model and pass on to our sons and daughters if we want their generation to see—and be a part of—change.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Challenge for Raising Eco-Conscious Kids
This 30-Day Challenge provides small, easy, and fun ways to get your whole family started on the path to being more eco-conscious.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Family Self-Care Challenge
Practicing self-care as a parent is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your brood. But doing it as a family can have even more benefits—solidifying your bonds and helping you build deeper, more meaningful connections with each other. Get started with these 30 ideas for nurturing your physical and mental health.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Family “Say Something Nice” Challenge
Make the month special with a daily commitment to say something nice to someone, whether it’s someone you love, or even a complete stranger. These daily prompts provide tons of ideas, so you can keep kindness flowing in the world.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day “Get Outdoors” Family Challenge
Spending a little more time outdoors every day allows the whole family to get exercise and fresh air, learn new things, de-stress, and bond face-to-face while away from those computer screens! You don’t need to have a big yard or live near hiking trails to enjoy the outdoors—try these 30 simple ways to get your family inspired to spend more time outside.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Family Creativity Challenge
Carving out time from your busy days for creativity might be intimidating, but it’s easier than you think. Keep in mind that most kids can complete a creative activity in just 15 minutes! Plus, not all creative endeavors have to be dedicated projects that are separate from your everyday life—there are plenty of ways to incorporate a creative mindset into everyday tasks.
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)
30 Day Family Brain Boosting Challenge
Kids’ (and adults’) brains need frequent stimulation and challenging exercises—not just to excel in school, but also for things like making real-life decisions, communicating effectively, focusing during work and play, and maintaining a sharp memory. Here are 30 brain-boosting activities that kids and adults of all ages can try!
Article with details on what to do each day.
Printable (in color)
Printable (in black and white)